The Covid Conspiracy

It reads like a Robert Ludlum book title, but it is not fiction, and instead is a game-changer.

There have been precedents throughout history but never under the scrutiny afforded by the modern media and the likes of Ebola were largely ignored by an introspective general public. This time it will be different.


In 2015 Bill Gates delivered a TED talk predicting just this kind of scenario, but while we may spend untold sums on war games, the political practicalities of preparing the everyday world for such an event prevent it getting traction.

The reality of the pandemic, as it has been, is yet to manifest itself but already some draconian measures have been put in place that will affect our daily lives.

The social isolation—which really would be more accurately termed physical isolation—we can deal with, as difficult as it may be. The ominous implications of the measures, though, will be the effect on small businesses and their employees. Already these operations are struggling under the burdensome tax loads in this town, and it is incumbent upon all us local residents to do our best to support them in any way we can: order take outs; buy the little gifts locally; and get your vehicle serviced in town. Social media transcends isolation and may enable businesses to limp along with a little help.

We ourselves are realtors and, looking for the upside if there is one, we can at least be thankful that we live in a town with such abundant spaces around us. Perhaps it will engender a realization that chicken-coop living can be improved on, and that rural properties have more value than they are currently attributed with.

See you on the other side of this.