Killing them Softly

I am of an age where the medical world is playing a bigger part in my life, telling me what to eat and what not to. In essence, if it comes in a packet, a can or a box I am to steer clear of it (so I ask for my Big Mac on a plate.) But it did get me to thinking about what our dogs eat. If processed food is bad for me, why would it be good for my dog? Kibble—universal fare for pooches—seems like a poor choice. It has been exposed to extreme temperatures and has all kinds of additives, preservatives and enticing sprayed-on fats and it is unhealthily dry. Dog life expectancy has declined markedly over the past half-century. Cancer is on the increase and is a common cause of early death. There has to be a connection. Purdue carried out a study showing that adding raw vegetables—leafy greens and yellow root vegetables—even to a kibble diet three times a week resulted in a significant decrease in the risk of some cancers. Chew on that.