The most important attributes of a rural property


If you’re thinking of buying a rural property, there are many factors to consider that may not even cross your radar if you’ve only owned city residences. These attributes will affect how much you enjoy living at your rural property as well as how desirable it will be for resale. Consider these during your property search:



A good rural property will delight one with beauty and tranquility: rolling land, scenic views, old growth trees, natural and man-made water features, established gardens and charming out buildings all contribute to its charm.



On a desirable property, one doesn’t need to absolutely not see any neighbors’ homes, but its good to have privacy in the outdoor living and entertaining areas.



People love living in the country for the quiet. But road traffic, air traffic, gun ranges and dog kennels are noises that can mar a tranquil ambiance.


Water Rights

Every rural property is infinitely more beautiful and full of life when watered. And, of course, fields rely on regular watering to be productive. Water rights are extremely valuable especially for larger properties.


Mineral Rights

Many property owners have sold their mineral rights to a third party. In the current fracking zeal, this is a potentially contentious issue.



Some rural properties have easements such as conservation ones (that may affect how a property can be used) and/or vehicle ones (which may allow traffic through your property).


Safety and Health

When considering properties, remember to look out for safety or health concerns, including nearby buzzing power lines, contaminated mines or dumps. Also, within the home, safe egress alternatives in the event of fire are always important.


Commuting and Access

People can only love a property if they don’t hate getting there. The longer the commute into town, the less appealing the property will be to buyers. Long dirt roads with washboard grooves, steep north-facing driveways or parking areas with no turn-around space all are problematic. Shared driveways also can pose challenges.


Recreational Access

Nearby lakes, hiking trails and horse barns all contribute to a charming country lifestyle. Even people who live in paradise like to get out and do things!